Except as noted, all paper sessions and meals will take place in RLP 1.302B, University of Texas at Austin (305 East 23rd Street, Austin, TX)
There is NO registration fee or advance notification required. All paper sessions are free and open to the public.
Papers will be 25-30 minutes long, with 5-10 minutes for questions immediately after each paper.
Wednesday, 27 March
5-6 p.m., Opening reception (Littlefield House, 302 West 24th Street, Austin, TX)
Conference materials will be available at the opening reception and at breakfast on Thursday (map, name tags, etc); there is no formal registration process as such.
7:30-9 p.m., Welcome and keynote address, RLP 0.102
Welcome: Dean Randy Diehl, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin
Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan) “Reperformance, Writing, and the Boundaries of Literature“
Thursday, 28 March
9:30-10:15 a.m., breakfast
10:15-10:30 a.m., Introduction and greetings: Deborah Beck, conference organizer
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Abrahamic religions: Steve Friesen (University of Texas at Austin), chair
- Ray Person (Ohio Northern University) “Harmonizations in the Pentateuch and Synoptic Gospels: Repetition and Category Triggering within Scribal Memory”
- George Archer (Iowa State University) “The Quranic Repetition of Psalm 90, or ‘Reading where the pages are white.‘”
- Pamela Klasova (Bowdoin College) “Public Speech in Early Islam: The Case of al-Ḥajjāj b. Yūsuf al-Thaqafī, the Umayyad Governor of Iraq”
12:30-2 p.m., lunch
2-4 p.m., Homer: Sarah Nooter (University of Chicago), chair
- Alexander Forte (Colgate University) “Subtle Tuples: A Cognitive Analysis of Numbered Repetitions in Homeric Epic”
- Françoise Létoublon (Université Stendhal, Grenoble) “Repetition, tradition and fiction: the story of Ulysses hunting in the mountains of Parnassus”
- Elizabeth Minchin, Elizabeth (Australia National University) “The creation of a storyrealm: the role of repetition in Homeric epic and Oswald’s Memorial”
4-4:15 p.m., break
4:15-5:30 p.m., Greek poetry: Christopher Faraone (University of Chicago), chair
- David Bouvier (Université de Lausanne) “Repetition and Rupture: Xenophanes versus Homer”
- Stephen White (University of Texas at Austin) “Resonant Presence in Callimachus’ Hymn to Apollo”
Dinner on your own
Friday, 29 March
10 a.m.-2 p.m., Optional excursion to the LBJ Presidential Library and lunch
2:30-3:45 p.m., Greek philosophy: Stephen White (University of Texas at Austin), chair
- Xavier Gheerbrant (Sichuan University – China) “Repetition in early Greek philosophical poetry”
- Rodrigo Verano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) “Repetition and Fictive Orality in Plato’s Dialogues”
3:45-4 p.m., break
4-5:15 p.m., oratory: Michael Gagarin (University of Texas at Austin), chair
- Judson Herrman (Allegheny College) “Repetition among the Attic Orators”
- Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz (Tel Aviv University) “Repetition and Memory in the Attic Forensic Orations“
Dinner on your own
Saturday, 30 March
8:30-9 a.m., breakfast
9-10:15 a.m., Sappho: Lesley Dean-Jones (University of Texas at Austin), chair
- Sarah Nooter (University of Chicago) “Sappho and the Eternal Return of Desire”
- Peter O’Connell (University of Georgia) “Repetition and the Creation of ‘Sappho’”
10:15-10:30 a.m., break
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Latin literature: Andrew Riggsby (University of Texas at Austin), chair
- Caleb Dance (Washington and Lee University) “Versus Incompositus: Improvisation and the Rustic Roots of Latin Poetry”
- Caolán Mac an Aircinn (University of Texas at Austin) “Breaking and Remaking Terence: the Politics of the Terentian Authorship Debate”
- Niall Slater (Emory University) “Repetition, Improvisation, and Parody: Eumolpus Re-Takes Troy in Petronius’s Satyrica 83-90”
12:30-2:30 p.m., Homer lunchtime poster session: Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan), facilitator
- Justin Arft (University of Tennessee) “Repetition or Recurrence? A Traditional Use for ἄνδρεσσι μελήσει in Archaic Greek Poetry”
- Emily Austin (University of Chicago) “‘Achilles’ Desire for Lament: Variations on a Theme”
- Thomas Nelson (Trinity College, University of Cambridge) “Repeating the Unrepeated: Homeric Hapax Legomena in Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry”
2:30-3:45 p.m., Religion: Ray Person (Ohio Northern University), chair
- Hanna Golab (University of Miami) “Cultic Songs for Asklepios – Ritual Orality Written in Stone”
- Emily West (St. Catherine University) “The Flood Myth in the Ancient Near East and India: Repetition and Revision”
6:30 p.m., Conference dinner for presenters and their guests
Sunday, 31 March
8:30-9 a.m., breakfast
9-11 a.m.: Art, culture, and performance: Rabun Taylor (University of Texas at Austin), chair
- Cassandra Donnelly (University of Texas at Austin) “Mixed Literacy and Non-Scribal Writing on Bronze Age Cyprus”
- Jasper Gaunt (Independent Scholar) “‘Homer’ and the Construction of arete in Archaic Greek Art”
- William Duffy (St. Philip’s College) and Trae Wisecarver (Texas A&M University) “‘Godlike’ Slams: professional wrestling as a model for shifts in epithet significance”