Tomáš Hart has been an Economic Counsellor at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C. since August 2013. He was an Economic Counsellor in New York in 2007-2011. He also worked for Embassy of the Czech Republic in Belgrade in 2000-2005 as an Economic Attache.
In the years of 2006-2007 he worked as an advisor to the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. From September 2011 to April 2012 he was an advisor to the General Manager at CzechTrade, trade promotion agency of Czech Republic. From June 2012 to July 2013 he was a Secretary to the Economic Section of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Prior to working for Czech govermnent, he worked as a Marketing and Sales Manager of a Swedish company GCE Autogen in Chotebor, Czech Republic.
Tomas Hart graduated from two universities: Technical University in Saint-Petersburg, Russia (1995) and Prague’s University of Economics (2004). He also holds an MBA from University of New York in Prague (2013).